DollBakery Hiatus Roadmap
This is a basic roadmap for what's going to be going on during the hiatus. For further context, please see the last post! DOLLBAKERY ROADMAP Starting immediately: Settling any problems that may exist. For anyone with outstanding issues, they will be solved now. Fixing structural issues with the business, finally getting the work studio set up and organized, maybe even bringing in someone to help me 2B. During this phase, I will also slowly begin contacting people who are still on the waitlist and taking their orders 1 to 2 at a time. So it will be very very slow, but it...
DollBakery is going on hiatus! Issues and explanation
Hello everyone, I owe a big explanation + apology to all of you. Since not everyone who follows DollBakery speaks English as a first language, I first wrote a simple explanation for the current situation below. Then below that, I wrote a longer rambly thought dump, where I try and sort out my personal feelings. (definitely not required reading to understand the situation, just for people who have the patience to read, and want, the full details.) --------- SHORT ANSWER: Because of personal health problems, DollBakery hasn't been running very well this year. I'm mostly healed...
DollBakery will return later this year!
Hello everyone! Apologies are owed to you all. DollBakery has gone so long without a proper update here, but better things are coming your way soon! No Friday Night eyes tonight, but I will have some more interesting news and updates coming along shortly, so hold tight. Thank you for your patience.
No update this week
Hello! No update this week, and no new eyes were added to the site tonight, because I am out of town until next week. When I return, I will have a broader general status update (especially for people on the waitlist), so you'll be hearing more about that soon. See you next week!